How you can avoid these 9 mistakes that small businesses often make

How you can avoid these 9 mistakes that small businesses often make

Mistakes are often seen as opportunities for growth, but as a business owner, some mistakes can cost you time, money, and your sanity. Instead of viewing them as growth opportunities, learn from the following common mistakes made by small businesses to ensure you never make them yourself (and skip the down paths, and keep growing).


  1. Undervaluing your products or services: Pricing your offerings can be challenging when you're new to business. Under pricing can create financial difficulties. Ensure your prices are competitive, fair, and provide a reasonable profit margin. Keep an eye on competitors to determine the average market rate, and regularly review your pricing model to ensure you receive fair compensation for your work.
  2. Delaying hiring: Recognise when it's time to grow your operation. If you're struggling to meet demand, consider expanding. Hiring employees to help deliver your product or service or handle specific functions like administration can be crucial for small business growth. You can also hire a FreeAgent accountant, like us to help keep track of your business expenditures and growth.
  3. Neglecting your professional network: Building a professional network can open doors to opportunities you may not have known about. Connecting with industry peers can provide a support system, knowledge sharing, and potential customer referrals. Seek out relevant groups online and actively engage in networking.
  4. Not having a business bank account: Opening a business bank account is an important step. While not legally required, having separate accounts for business and personal finances is recommended. It simplifies expense tracking and provides a clear view of cash flow. Additionally, a dedicated business bank account enhances professionalism in the eyes of customers and suppliers.
  5. Underestimating the value of marketing: Marketing is essential for reaching your business's full potential. Start by establishing a presence on social media platforms. Explore inexpensive marketing ideas for small businesses to maximise your efforts.
  6. Neglecting personal life: Putting work before personal life is a common trap for small business owners. Achieving work-life balance is challenging but worth the effort. Prioritise personal time to maintain overall well-being and avoid burnout.
  7. Ignoring professional development: Continuously improving skills benefits your business. Dedicate time to learning new skills or enhancing existing ones. Online platforms like The Open University offer free courses to support professional development.
  8. Failing to plan for the long term: While day-to-day operations are crucial, don't neglect long-term goals. Creating a formal business plan is helpful but not mandatory. Having an idea of where you want your business to be in the next 5-10 years provides a direction to strive for.
  9. Neglecting accounting responsibilities: Managing finances is crucial for any business. Failing to properly record and submit finances to HMRC can result in fines and legal issues. Take advantage of accounting resources to improve your financial management. Consider using FreeAgent's software to simplify bookkeeping.


By avoiding these common mistakes, you can position your small business for success. Embrace the lessons learned by others and make informed decisions to build a thriving enterprise.


Acumenica offers accounting services for small business. We are here to support you every step of the way. We also use FreeAgent as a part of our service to help you and your business monitor business performance and make important decisions.