Manage your tax bills and improve your cash flow with Tax Timeline

Manage your tax bills and improve your cash flow with Tax Timeline

The Tax Timeline is one of our clients’ favourite FreeAgent features. The Tax Timeline displays a live projection of how much money you owe to HMRC and when you owe it, so you'll know how much to set aside for tax bills. It’s a very simple yet very powerful tool.

The ‘Tax Timeline’ panel is a calendar overview of the important tax dates for you and your business based on the company’s accounting and VAT return dates.

If the dates in FreeAgent don’t match those on record with Companies House or HMRC, the actual filing and payment dates might be different. 

As you can see from the image below, this is an invaluable planning tool for any business.

If you’re VAT registered, you can see when your VAT return is due and how much it is. If you have employees you can see how much you’ll need to pay for their PAYE and NIC, and when it is.

As the tax timeline pulls data from your FreeAgent on a real time basis, every time you enter or update a transaction, you’ll know exactly how this impacts on your future liabilities.

You can even download the tax timeline to your iCal, Google or Outlook calendar if that’s your thing.

If you like the sound of this, please contact Acumenica for a free consultation. We will discuss your options in an entirely confidential, non-judgmental, pragmatic, friendly way.

Visit our Contact Page to get in touch. Or you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 03330 166559.